Physical therapists in every state have physical therapy continuing education requirements.
State boards define the continuing education requirements or CEUs (continuing education unit) requirements.
A unit is often defined by a number of ours. For example one PT CEU might be equal to 10 or 20 hours of educations (called contact hours), over the course of 12 months.
In just about every state, there is a deadline by which the con ed units or contact hours must be completed.
Below, we’ve compiled a list of con-ed requirements by state.
Alabama: ten physical therapy hours of education per year.
Alaska: this state requires therapists to complete 24 hours per year.
Arizona: Twenty education hours every two years is required in Arizona.
Arkansas: Also, twenty continuing education hours that should be reported every 2 years.
California: unlike some states, California requires thirty hours of con ed every two years.
Colorado: similar to California, 30 hours of learning must be reported every other year.
Connecticut: a bit of a higher standard here, 20 con-ed hours per year.
Delaware: like California and Colorado, 30 hours of education reported every other year.
Florida: a slightly different number is required by the state – 24 hours
Georgia: 30 hours of education every 2 years.
Hawaii: Same as Georgia 30 hours every 24 months.
Idaho: 16 per year or 32, every two years.
Illinois: coming in with more than most, 40 con-ed hours every 2 years.
Indiana: 11 per year, reported every two years or, 22 hours of continuing education every 2 yrs.
Iowa: forty hours of con-ed required by physical therapists every 2 years.
Kansas: The same as Kansas 40 hours every two years needs to be reported to the board.
Kentucky: Somewhere in the middle of all state requirements – 30 per year.
Louisiana: 30 contact hours as well.
Maine: One of the few states with no physical therapy continuing education requirements.
Maryland: The state requires 30 hrs per year and when they’re due is based on license number
Massachusetts: Like Maine, no con-ed requirements needed by PTs here.
Michigan: here there is a requirement of 24 hours
Minnesota: just 10 per year that need to be reported every 2 years (i.e. 20 every 2 years).
Mississippi: contact hours required – thirty hours by this state reported to the board every 2 yrs
Missouri: contact hours need here are 30 every two years
Montana: 30 every two years
Nebraska: just 20 contact hours needed by physical therapists in Nebraska.
Nevada: 15 PT contact hours (which equates to 1.5 CEUSs) each year.
New Hampshire: Like a number of others, 24 contact hours every 2 years.
New Jersey: the state here requires 30 hours every 24 months.
New Mexico: the PT Board regulation is 30 hours reported every 2 years.
New York: thirty-six hours, a rather odd number, must be reported every 2 years.
North Carolina: 30 contact hours is needed in North Carolina
North Dakota: 12.5 contact hours per year for a total of 25 every two years.
Ohio: twenty-four hours are required every two years
Oklahoma: a high standard of 40 hours is required in Oklahoma
Oregon: 24 contact hours need to be reported to the state board every 2 years.
Pennsylvania: 30 hours (10 about direct access) are needed in PA.
Rhode Island: 24 hours of educational contact hours reported every 2 years.
South Carolina: like others, 30 contact hours every two years.
South Dakota: measured each year, fifteen hours are needed in South Dakota.
Tennessee: thirty contact hours are required in the state of Tennessee.
Texas: like Tennessee, thirty hours need to be reported to the state every 2 years.
Utah: forty physical therapy continuing education hours are required every two years.
Vermont: just 12 per year here, making it 24 needed to be reported to the board every 2 years
Virginia: thirty physical therapist continuing education hours (typically 3 units), every two years.
Washington: on the high end, 40 hours of physical therapist continuing education every 2 years.
West Virginia: 24 CEUs are required every two years in the state of West Virginia.
Wisconsin: here the PT board requires 30 contact hours every two years.
Wyoming: same as Wisconsin – 30 hours of continuing education needed every two years.
We Repeat This Because It’s Important
It’s important to check with your state physical therapy board to learn more about the number of hours/ceu’s, specific date they are due, and how and where the physical therapy CEUs need to be reported.
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If you are looking for an exceptional physical therapy continuing education experience, one that will shape the way you approach patient care in the future, contact us today for more information about ACE’s continuing education programs.